ITEMHDF Cotton candy set (Light Pink)
MODELHoney Delf "MADELEINE" Sweety ver. (Type 3 Body / Normal Skin)
In the photo WIG : CWW-510 (Teddy Brown)
SHOES : HDS-07 (Pink)
EYES : 16mm Pearl-Sweety NO.47
INCLUDEAll in One HOOD T-Shirt, Tights


* The material of the item can be replaced as similar one without notice, depending on material supply condition.
* There is a possibility that dark colored clothes (ex: Jeans) may leave stain on doll’s body if it is worn for a long period.
* Please be aware that clothes may shrink, if they are washed. Also be careful that color may come out and dye other clothes.
* The color of the item in the photo can be different from the real item depending on PC or monitor setting.